Skarsnuten Hotel
Picture of Skarsnuten Hotell

Skarsnuten Hotell

Nettavisen travel tips

Skarsnuten Hotel is happy to be mentioned as one of the places to go in Nettavisen travel tips for 2021.

Nettavisen Travel Tips

Nettavisen is known for its many awards and travel tips.

This year they have been looking for places where you can find a unique location and excellent facilities. Several others, 10 to be exact, great destinations in Norway were also mentioned in the tip. Skarsnuten Hotel was the only hotel chosen in Hemsedal. We hope you also take a trip to Skarsnuten Hotel during 2021, and warmly welcome old and new guests to a pleasant stay. Read the case in the online newspaper here!

Read online here!

These are Norway’s roughest ski hotels!

“In order for you to be able to dream away, or find inspiration for this season’s ski holiday, we show you some of Norway’s roughest ski hotels!” – Nettavisen 11.01.21

Do you want to visit Skarsnuten Hotel? We have both rooms and apartments that are suitable for everything from 1 person to large parties and groups. Read more about accommodation here.

In the hotel’s restaurant and bar you get flavors that settle on the memory. The atmosphere and atmosphere of 1002 meters is clearly something in itself. Read more about the restaurant, and see menus here.

Welcome to the mountains.

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